Our school library is now using Destiny Discover. Click to search the catalog. If you wish to put library books on hold, you need to log into your account (same username and password as your Wilson Google account and your Destiny Quest account). You do not need to add @wilsonsd.org into your username.
Click on the Destiny Discover box to enter the catalog. Please watch the video tutorials to begin. It is FUN and EASY!
Welcome to the Shiloh Hills Elementary School!
Come to the library to find your next great adventure!!
Library Staff
Miss Marissa Loeb, Teacher-Librarian (Click to email)
Phone: 610-670-0180 x1920
Mrs. Rose Troutman, Library Technology Assistant
“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” Lemony Snicket
A POWER Library webpage dedicated to serving kids is now available. Kid-centered e-resources
Part of the Power Library designed just for kids. Find educational materials to help with studying or read from thousands of e-books and magazines including Ranger Rick, Highlights, and National Geographic for kids.
This link will take you directly to the POWER Kids Library Databases from school. You can access Book Flix from here as well!
If you are at home, you may use this POWER Library E-Card Number: 24752000476885
Sarah McIntyre
The World Book Online Encyclopedia is a useful resource for accurate, reliable information. For home access, please ask your teacher-librarian for the login information or see the Wilson Libraries Passwords link.
Read or listen to ALL of our library's ebooks using the MackinVIA website, or the MackinVIA ereader app on your mobile device! You can also access all of our library's databases through MackinVIA if you forget the passwords for home access.
Use your school Google Apps username and password to login.
Scholastic Book Wizard - Find and level books with Book Wizard. Plus, get booktalks, lesson plans, author studies, videos, and discussion guides.
Not all books include an F & P or DRA level, but many at least have a Lexile level. You can also search a title and find "similar titles" or read-alikes.
Forgot your password?
Click below and sign-in to Google Apps to view the list of usernames and passwords for Wilson Library resources
Interland is an adventure-packed online game that teaches the fundamentals of digital safety and citizenship through hands-on practice.