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5th Grade Science Fair: Milk Taste Test

Your Question

In a blind taste test, can someone tell the difference between nonfat, low-fat, whole milk?

Don't forget to evaluate whether or not the information on the websites is accurate.  LOTS of companies want you to buy milk, and they advertise heavily.  Check your sources, and decide for yourself what is true and what is advertising tricks.

World Book Student App

Dairy Council UK Article Comparing Milk


Books from Spring Ridge Library

Harvard School of Public Health - Calcium and Milk Information Dairy Group

Created and Maintained by Your Teacher-Librarian

Profile Photo
Collette Jakubowicz
Spring Ridge Elementary School Library
610-670-0180 x4707


What KEYWORDS did you use when researching? 

Type them in the comments below to share with the other groups that are doing the same project.