Images from GoldieBlox™ and Q-Ba-Maze™ websites
We have a *NEW* resource at the Spring Ridge Elementary School Library called Craft Kits, or Maker Kits! Craft / Maker Kits are kits that contain building materials and instructions that students can use to build or create something. Our hope is that students will build something with these materials, take some photos or short video clips, and ask parents to share the photos with the library to post on our website and/or Facebook page.
IMPORTANT! - Many of the Craft/Maker Kits contain small parts that are NOT suitable for young children. Please keep the kit pieces away from younger brothers and sisters for their own safety!
We have a variety of Craft/Maker kits for students in grades 2 through 5. Like the Playaway audiobooks, these are very popular items, and the students are excited about using them. They also know that if they are not responsible, they will lose the privilege of checking them out. When students and parents sign the Library Use Agreement at the beginning of the year, they have to option to choose whether or not they will be able to check out Craft Kits. When a student checks out a Craft/Maker Kit, he or she is responsible for all parts.
The replacement costs for lost or broken items are as follows:
GoldieBlox storybook or pegboard: Full cost of the set ($20 to $25)
Any other GoldieBlox parts: $0.50 each
Q-BA-Maze 2.0 Marble Maze parts: $0.50 each
Paper Circuits kit heavy-duty binder: $5.00
Paper Circuits kit zippered pouch: $5.00
Make-Your-Own Paper Circuits kit colored pencils set: $3.00
The overdue fine for Craft/Maker Kits is $0.05 per day. If you would like to see what Craft/Maker Kits are like, stop by during Open House, American Education Week, Kindergarten Registration, or any other time of year.
Click to download maker kit MARC records for your school library.