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Spring Ridge Elementary School Library: Mrs. J's Fun and Games

Click on a tab to view resources for your grade level, or click on "Digital Library" to view all of our library resources at once.

Shelve It! Game

The Shelve-it or Shelver Game reviews how books are organized in the library.  There are 2 versions to play, Fiction and Dewey, with 3 levels each.

shelve-itImage by Mrs. Lodge

Typing Club

Typing Club - A great way to learn how to type or practice typing faster

Scratch - Create your own video games!

Want to create your own games, music, art, or animations?  Scratch can show you how!
You can play online and create an account to save, or you can download the Scratch program at home.

scratchImage from

Free Rice Game

Free Rice is a vocabulary game (though you can also play with other subjects) that adjusts the challenge level as you learn.



Seussville is a website devoted to Dr. Seuss and all of his books.  Lots of fun for kids and families!

FBI Safe Online Surfing Learning Game

FBI Cyber Surf Islands has games to play on each "island."


Created and Maintained by Your Teacher-Librarian

Profile Photo
Collette Jakubowicz
Spring Ridge Elementary School Library
610-670-0180 x4707

Arcademic Skill Builders

Arcademic Skill Builders - Video games to help you learn!  Also available as an iPad or Android app!

arcademic Educational Games

Lots of good stuff....just try it out!
