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Shiloh Hills Elementary Library: Library Policies and Student Responsibilities

Miss Marissa Loeb Librarian/Teacher

Library Policies and Student Responsibilities

1. Loan Period - All books and audiobooks (including Playaways) may be borrowed for 2 weeks at a time.  After two cycles, books need to be returned or renewed. Students usually return books after one or two cycles so that they may select new books during library class.  It is the student's responsibility to return library materials on time...not parents' or teachers'!

  • Students in kindergarten may check out one book at a time
  • Students in first grade may check out 2 books at a time. 
  • Students in second and third grade may check out 3 books at a time.
  • Students in fourth and fifth grades may check out up to 5 books at at time for pleasure reading, independent reading, school projects, and book reports.

2. Special Loan Periods - Books used for literature circles may be borrowed for as long as the group is reading it.

3. Fines - There are no fines for any student however, if books are not returned, students may not check out new books.  

4. Lost or Damaged Materials - If a book is lost, a $20.00 replacement fee is charged for a hardcover book, or $5.00 for a paperback book.  Audiobook and Playaway replacement fees vary according to the cost of the item.  If the lost book or audiobook is found and returned in good condition prior to the end of the school year, then the money is returned.  Also, if a library book or audiobook is damaged enough that it cannot be circulated again, a replacement or repair fee is charged.  In the case of a damaged book, it is the student's responsibility to tell or show Miss Loeb or Mrs. Troutman so that the book can be repaired.

5. Absences - If a student is absent on the day he/she has library class, books should be returned the day that the student returns. It is the student's responsibility to tell Mrs. Troutman or Miss Loeb that he/she was absent and return the books during the next library class.

6. Questions? - If you have any questions, feel free to email or call Miss Loeb at (610) 670-0180 x1920.

Playaway Audiobooks


We have some great audio resources at the Wilson Libraries including Playaways!  Playaway is the newest way to listen to a book and read along with it.  There is no need for a separate cassette or CD player since the entire book is tucked inside the player.

We have a variety of titles for each of our age groups.  These are extremely popular items, and the students are excited about using them.  They also know that if they are not responsible, they will lose the privilege of checking them out.  The teacher-librarians do not foresee any major problems, though it is possible that a Playaway unit may be lost.  When students and parents sign the Library Use Agreement at the beginning of the year, they have to option to choose whether or not they will be able to check out audiobooks on CD and/or Playaway.  When a student checks out a Playaway, he or she is responsible for all parts, which includes the case, Playaway audiobook unit, earphones, and lanyard. 

The replacement costs for lost or broken items are as follows:
Playaway audiobook unit: varies by title, usually between $40.00 to $75.00
Case with foam insert: $5.00
Earphones: $2.00
Lanyard: $1.00

The overdue fine for Playaways is $0.25 per day.  Students are encouraged to check out the accompanying book with the Playaway and read along with it.  If you want to see what Playaways are like, stop by during American Education Week or any other time of year.  We love visitors!

Subject Guide

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Marissa Loeb
6106700180 ext.1920